Friday, December 11, 2020

Cardstock Model: Office Building Westby, Wisconsin


Back in 2004 my wife and I stayed at a B&B in Westby, Wisconsin.  On the main street was a small office building that caught my eye.  I took a snap with the thought of making a card-stock model of it.  Sixteen later, here it is.  Someday I'll update it with textures for color printing.  I left photos the PDF file of the building itself and the steps I took to create the model.  The N-scale PDF file can be found here.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Cardstock Model: House I grew Up In

 Most have fond memories of the house they grew up in.  My house was warm, loving, and always there.  I made a very rough model of my house from some photos and memories...somewhat stylized.  It's simple and will someday make a better one.

You can download a PDF of the model here.