Monday, February 15, 2021
Cardstock Model: Boxcars?
Cardstock Model: Avalon Building
I had designed a model of the Avalon building a while ago. At the time, I didn't know of its history. I put "Elysian Music" on the side since I wasn't sure if "Avalon Music" was the name of a current business.
Anyway, I had no idea at the time that this once was the historic Avalon Hotel (see link):
As the only hotel in the area which welcomed African Americans before desegregation, its guests included Duke Ellington and boxer Henry Armstrong. It housed the Avalon Café, one of two restaurants in the city which served people of color. It became a local focus of the Civil Rights Movement and opposition to it; both a march for racial equality and a cross burning occurred at the property on August 23, 1963.
I'll have to change the model a little and make it into the historical Avalon Hotel and share the PDF to make it. In the meantime you can find more information here.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Cardstock Model: Train Station in Rome, NY
To build it:
- Download each of these 4 PDF files:
- Rome_NY_Martin_St_6599_TrainStation_page_1_of_4.pdf
- Rome_NY_Martin_St_6599_TrainStation_page_2_of_4.pdf
- Rome_NY_Martin_St_6599_TrainStation_page_3_of_4.pdf
- Rome_NY_Martin_St_6599_TrainStation_page_4_of_4.pdf
- Print out each PDF on 8"x11.5" cardstock using a color laser printer. (You can do that through a print service from OfficeMax for example. It costs me about 50 cents per sheet printed).
- Using a ruler and a utility knife, gently score the folding edges where the tabs, roof, and building corners will need to be folded. That will give you sharp lines.
- Using Elmer's glue and a toothpick, gently apply a small amount of glue to the tabs, and glue the building together.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Cardstock Model: Godzilla Visits MedCity
My N-scale efforts have focused on making simple card-stock models of Rochester, MN (which is where the Mayo Clinic is based). Imagine my surprise when Godzilla showed up for some medical attention (from the clinic) for wounds he incurred making his new movie coming out.
Note: No civilians, buildings, or mega-monsters were injured in making this photo.
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Cardstock Model: Bike Shop
When we first moved to Rochester many years ago, we bought bikes from a shop in SE Rochester, MN. Over the years, we made more purchases from there and were always happy with the service. Recently the store has closed down. This was the first cardstock model I made of buildings in Rochester, MN. I'm sharing it here. I changed store and brand names to avoid any issues.
To build it:
- Down load the file from this link.
- Print out the PDF on 8"x11.5" cardstock using a color laser printer. (You can do that through a print service from OfficeMax for example. It costs me about 50 cents per sheet printed).
- Using a ruler and a utility knife, gently score the folding edges where the tabs, roof, and building corners will need to be folded. That will give you sharp lines.
- Using Elmer's glue and a toothpick, gently apply a small amount of glue to the tabs, and glue the building together.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Cardstock Model: Transfiguration School from Rome, NY
Transfiguration school was offered K-12 education until about 2003 when it was merged into other schols in the city of Rome, NY. The building was subsequently demolished.
This is a simple facade model of the school as it faced South James street. The actual building was at least as deep as it was wide on the front that you see.
To build this N scale (Japanese 1/150) model:
- Download the PDF from this link
- Print out the PDF on 8"x11.5" cardstock using a color laser printer. (You can do that through a print service from OfficeMax for example. It costs me about 50 cents per sheet printed).
- Using a ruler and a utility knife, gently score the folding edges where the tabs, roof, and building corners will need to be folded. That will give you sharp lines.
- Using Elmer's glue and a toothpick, gently apply a small amount of glue to the tabs, and glue the building together.